103 There are no known treatments for this disease, but some birds will recover with supportive care. On histopathology, diffuse spongy symmetrical vacuolation and degeneration are found throughout the white matter of the brain and spinal cord, with the optic tectum most severely affected. 105 There are no grossly visible lesions in the nervous system. 103, 104 Signs begin less than 1 week after exposure and are typically seen in the late fall to early winter. 102īirds are ataxic and unable to walk, swim, or fly. BMAA is thought to injure neurons via mechanisms involving overactivation of neuroexcitatory glutamate receptors.

99 The cyanobacteria produces the neurotoxic amino acid β- N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA). 99-101 Feeding studies have implicated the flowering plant species Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) and an associated epiphytic cyanobacterial species (order Stigonematales) as the cause of the clinical signs. It has caused mortality in bald eagles, great horned owls, American coots, killdeer, and waterfowl (mallards, ring-necked ducks, buffleheads, and Canada geese) in the southeast United States since the early 1990s. Tina Wismer, in Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery, 2016 Avian vacuolar myelinopathyĪvian vacuolar myelinopathy is a neurologic disease linked to cyanobacteria. By the time of publication, this script may have been included in Curlew, Coot's Extension Wrangler, which will make its implementation easier.įor reasons that will be described below, you may also have to modify the hydrogen atom names in your PDB file from phenix.refine for convenience of model building in Coot.

The second option will be “Open MTZ,” which will enable you to open any output MTZ file from phenix.refine with these column labels, through a pop-up file selection window. A button will appear in the menu bar labeled “Neutron” in which there will be a menu item “Quick Open MTZ.” This will open the most recently created MTZ file in the directory that you started Coot in and display all four maps, 2m |F o|-D|F c| and m |F o|-D|F c| for both neutrons and X-rays. coot-preferences directory and restart Coot. (let ((t (gtk-file-selection-get-filename fs-window))) (let* ((fs-window (gtk-file-selection-new "file selection"))) (let ((menu (coot-menubar-menu "Neutron"))) (list "FOFCWT_neutron" "PHFOFCWT_neutron" 1)))) (list "2FOFCWT_neutron" "PH2FOFCWT_neutron" 0) (make-and-draw-map mtz-file-name (car col-pair) (cadr col-pair) "" 0 (caddr col-pair)))
#Saving images in coot software install
Instead, you can install a short script (kindly provided by Paul Emsley): Coot does not recognize these map coefficients automatically when using the “Auto Open MTZ” command from the pull-down menus. If you have run phenix.refine on the command line, for example as part of a scripted testing of different weights for the X-ray and neutron terms within the total energy function ( Afonine et al., 2010), you will want to open Coot in a stand-alone manner.